“Reports! Reports! Reports! My boss drives me crazy, always asking for the reports. He won’t take my word for it that we met our goals. He’s gotta have the numbers!”
“My dad is RELENTLESS when it comes to questioning what we’re doing with the business. He’s constantly challenging my husband and I get nervous because I know he doesn’t always have our ducks in a row.”
“It’s exhausting talking to the lady running the remodeling job. She keeps trying to pin me down on the decorating details and I’m just not ready yet!”

Those strong in StrengthsFinder Analytical want the proof!
Strengths: They Want Details
Are you frustrated by someone in your life so is constantly asking questions, or making you provide the details on a project or seems to demand answers that prove what you are saying? Or maybe they seem to over analyze or need more data or charts or spreadsheets? Maybe they’re never satisfied with your answers and you’re always having to do more research or look up more details.
You may be interacting with someone with the #StrengthsFinder talent theme of #Analytical.
Analytical: Brilliant Problem Solvers
Those high in Analytical are super smart and if you get stuck comparing yourself, you may come up a few points short on the problem solving scale. They love to gather data to search for connections and conclusions. They have brilliant, detail-oriented minds that snap at the chance to see patterns, analyze patterns, study patterns, examine patterns. They search for the beginning, the root of the problem to devise the best possible solution.
It is critical that the Analytical have enough time to logically come to a decision, so don’t rush them for an answer. And when you’re needing something from them, make sure you have all the details — the numbers, the pie charts, the spreadsheets, the line graphs. You can’t give them TOO MUCH information.
They Need ALL the Data
My friend, Pam, is a super brainy Analytical. She’s a Project Manager for a major beverage company who travels all over the country working on different projects. When she arrives at the plant and enters the lab, the people who work there know their T’s have to be crossed or they’ll have more work to do. She wants all the data, all the numbers, all the proof that their testing meets the criteria set for new project launch.
Love Your Analytical
When someone with Analytical begins to poke holes in your idea, theory or story, recognize their need for details. Ask them to hold off on their questioning and analyzing until you can get your thoughts wrapped around it. Ask them to write their questions down so that you can do your research and provide the data they need. Recognize that they can help you make a better decision if they have all the information. And know they love their pie charts, their graphs and their numbers. It’s nothing personal — they’re not nixing your Great Idea. They’re not supporting it either — not they have enough information to come to a sound conclusion.
The next time you’re dealing with an Analytical mind, ask yourself: what information do you need to help me solve this problem or make a better decision?
Find all your Strengthsfinder resources at http://gallupstrengthscenter.com.
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