Hello Arranger! We appreciate the way we can count on you to put things back together during a disruption. Whenever you have a complex situation, you love playing around with various variables and arranging them in various ways to see what works best. And one thing you enjoy doing, is trying to find the most efficient way of doing things. Our whole world can be falling apart and there you are, bending and flexing and arranging things for us.
You love a busy, complex operation, don’t you? You enjoy all those moving parts, and you like to get your hands on them and configure and reconfigure them until they are working together at their most efficient.
Arranger, Efficiency is your middle name!
Much of this has to do with your excellence in planning and your superior knowledge of your environment. On paper or even in your mind’s eye, you see everything broken down in smaller puzzle pieces and where they fit. And you also see where to shift quickly and effortlessly should the entire situation change.

Arranger: Efficiency is your middle name
Arranger: Adaptable with Change
This makes you adaptable with change — and even though you may not particularly like it, you recognize it as a set-in-stone reality of life. And you roll with it when it happens. There’s no sense complaining or whining about it, you just juggle something and all in your world — and ours — is back in working order. And we thank you for that!
We’d be grateful if you’d be a little patient with us. We can’t see things the way you do and don’t realize that if we just turn something around just so, it will fit. That’s why we need you!
So keep on being you and orchestrating the pieces and parts around us!
To learn more about the StrengthsFinder talent themes, visit www.GallupStrengthsCenter.com.
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