“I don’t know how she does it — nine kids! She keeps them moving like a well-oiled machine. She gets their lunches ready, gets them to school (on time), and never misses a beat when they run out of peanut butter. All that juggling makes my head spin.”
“I hate this place! The constant juggling of my duties every day wigs me out! My manager just changes things with hardly any notice. I never know what I’m supposed to do!”
“That guy is OCD, I swear! Do you see how he keeps reorganizing that shelf? How many ways can he rearrange those sweaters? For heaven’s sake! He just needs to leave them as they are….”

Arranger: The Flexible Master Juggler
Strengths: They are Effectively Flexible
Do you have someone in your life who drives you nuts with their constant arranging and rearranging things? Maybe it’s moving stuff around in the dishwasher, in the refrigerator or in the supply closet at work. Or maybe it’s your boss who constantly changes the operation, right in the middle of a good run? Or maybe your supervisor changes your schedule each week because of the weather or the when the plane is late or the doctor is always late when it’s time for your maternity appointment?
You may have bumped into someone with the StrengthsFinder talent theme of Arranger.
Arranger: Fluid Organizers
Those high in Arranger have a knack for knowing just how to move things to get the most efficient use of the operation, the event or the plan. They have no problem making necessary changes in an instant if they think it will improve the current situation and get the product out the door more quickly. They have an intuitive way of reacting to unexpected changes by quickly juggling their plans to take advantage of the shifting circumstances.
There is something fluid about the way they approach their constantly changing worlds — something that bends and moves like a tree blowing in the wind during a storm. They dance around disasters by knowing the various pieces of their enterprise, and they shift as they need to in order to allow no wasted effort. They are happiest when they’re in a dynamic, high-energy operation where their skills are exercised daily.
It Needs to Know All the Parts and Pieces
My friend, Pam, is strong in Arranger. She sees her talent showing up the strongest when she’s hit with a crisis and needs use a Plan B. She likes the challenge of using a new strategy and quickly. She doesn’t panic, she just thinks, “What can we do now? And how do we get there.” She thrives on that type of problem solving.
Recently on a trip to the Pacific Northwest, she and a companion were scheduled for a non-refundable flight to Canada. Unfortunately, her GPS led them to the wrong address for the small airport and they missed the flight. She quickly called and asked if they could get our money back and if not, were there any other options for tours that day that they could apply the funds to? They ended up taking a tour on a sea-plane that stopped at some of the small local islands. The views and scenery was amazing and they had a wonderful time — all because she quickly adapted and shifted to explore other alternatives.
That’s what Arrangers do best!
Love Your Arranger
The next time your Arranger catches you unaware with yet another shift and change, ask them to help you see what they are making more productive. Let them explain why moving this piece here and that piece over there makes sense to them. Your own vision for change might very well be something they need to know about and if it improves the situation, they’ll know just how to work it in.
Be aware that changes require planning and they want an intimate understanding of the details. This will give them the pieces of the puzzle in their back pocket to be used when it makes sense.
When working with someone high in Arranger, ask yourself, “Where can we use improved efficiency and productivity? Where could we use some re-organization of the current plan or operation to make the most effective use of resources?”
For all of your StrengthsFinder needs, visit www.GallupStrengthsCenter.com.
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