Restorative is one of 34 StrengthsFinder talent themes. About 18% of people who take the assessment have Restorative in their Top 5 talent themes. If it’s in your Top 5, here are seven ways to develop your Restorative talent:
1. Fix it!
With Restorative in your top talent themes, you are likely a fixer. You see problems and automatically see solutions. Find roles and projects where you can be a problem solver.

Develop your Restorative talent to become a better problem solver!
2. Permission
Because you seen brokenness — broken systems, broken patterns, broken people — and you bring answers. Unfortunately, not everyone is ready to solve their own problems and you can’t fix some things (especially people) without permission. Letting someone know upfront, “Hey — I have an idea that might make that better if you’re open to hearing it,” will allow them to accept your suggestions.
3. Nix Negativity
Because you naturally see what’s broken and are all about taking care of it, other people may have a sense that you are negative. When you perceive that feeling in others, let them know about your Restorative talent. Fill them in on what it’s like to always notice things that need swift attention.
4. Stop the Inner Critic
Let’s just lay it out there: the person you are the most critical with is YOU. Monitor your self talk. Shut that Debbie Downer down! You would never let other people talk to you like that, so knock it off. When you hear that negative inner critic, just notice and move on. Don’t beat yourself up because you caught yourself beating yourself up! Starting to practice Mindfulness may help.

Watch your Inner Critic, Restorative
5. Watch for Patterns
Sometimes, you’ll notice similar problems pop up again and again. Study these incidents closely to identify what causes them. You’ll soon find yourself handling those issues faster should they recur. Partner with someone and develop permanent solutions.
6. Add Skills & Knowledge
What will make you a more effective problem solver? Consider taking courses that will add to your knowledge for correcting certain parts of your industry. What kind of expertise do you need? What gaps are there in your skill level? Look for education in these areas and add to your personal solutions toolbox.
7. Fixing Fun
Because you love fixing things and you’re always in the middle of fixing things, it may not occur to you to fix something for fun! But that’s another way to develop your Restorative talent. Pick a new project — something outside the scope of work or chores at home — and try your hand at restoration. You might try fixing an old bicycle and bring it back to perfect working order. Or how about learning how to refurbish old furniture? Does tinkering under the hood of an old car hold any appeal? Or breathing new life into old, vintage pottery with new flowers. It doesn’t matter what you choose. Restoring something just for fun may add another level of satisfaction to your life!

Try these 7 tips to grow and develop your Restorative talent!
Develop Your Restorative Talent
Now you have seven ways to develop your Clifton StrengthsFinder Restorative talent! If you’d like to learn more, you can visit the Gallup Strengths Center. And join us on Facebook in The Very Best YOU group, where we’re developing our talents every day!
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