Futuristic is one of the 34 Clifton StrengthsFinder talent themes. Less than 13% of people who have taken the assessment have Futuristic in their Top 5 report. Here are 7 ways to develop your Futuristic talent and turn it into a strength!
1. Dream and Visualize
As a Futuristic visionary, you quickly see future possibilities. Spend time visualizing your dreams. Contemplate what the future looks like if it were to come to pass. The more senses you use, the more rich the vision will become.

Develop your Futuristic talent by looking into the future.
2. Share It
Don’t keep your visions to yourself. Sharing them with others makes them more real to you. That said, be careful who you share with that they don’t steal your dreams.
3. Write it Down
Don’t stop with talking about it, write your dreams down. When you write them out, a different hemisphere of your brain is engaged and it can make the dream more real. Some studies show that dreams written as goals increase your chances of achievement by 42%!
4. Zoom In
Because you’re often thinking 5, 10 or 20 years into the future, you may miss some of the steps that need to happen in order to make your goals and dreams a reality. Zoom in by backtracking. Ask yourself, “What happens right before this vision comes true?” And before that? And before that? Continue to backtrack to present day so you can have a starting point to move forward.

Zoom in to reach your Futuristic goals and dreams.
5. Cast a Vision
More than 86% of those who have taken the StrengthsFinder assessment do not have Futuristic in their Top 5 talent themes. You can see what they cannot. Helping others visualize their own dreams is an area where you can contribute. Cast a vision of the future for those who cannot see.
6. Fantasy Fill Up
Get your tank filled by reading futurist books and magazines. Watch TV shows and movies that take place years and years into the future. These will fuel your imagination with new possibilities.
7. Cutting Edge Tech
Stay current on innovative technologies and pay attention to updates and upgrades coming in the future. You’ll be able to prepare well for future technology advances by staying “in the know.”

Develop your Futuristic talent with these 7 tips!
Develop Your Futuristic Talent
Now you have seven ways to develop your Clifton StrengthsFinder Futuristic talent! And tune in to the video below! If you’d like to learn more, you can visit the Gallup Strengths Center. And join us on Facebook in The Very Best YOU group, where we’re developing our talents every day!
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