“I just wish he’d pick a side! Hearing him say, “I’m Denmark!” makes me crazy. He has sat on the fence over this issue for long enough!”
“She’s just such a people-pleaser. She just wants to keep everyone happy, even though it means she loses. Doesn’t she see that sometimes she just needs to make a decision for herself?”
“That guy down in accounting sure seems fearful all the time. Have you noticed that as soon as the conversation turns south, he’s outta here! I think he’s stonewalling so he doesn’t cause any trouble.”

Harmony: Don’t Rock the Boat.
Strengths: Sensitive to Both Sides
Do you know someone who seems indecisive and wishy-washy? Maybe they say, “Yes,” when they really meant “No,” but they only agreed in an effort to keep the peace. Maybe they avoid getting involved in other people’s business. Or maybe when you had that argument with your neighbor, they didn’t firmly take your “side” — and they seem to actually understand the other guy’s position! Or perhaps they just stall for so long in making a decision that they never have to make one. You may have encountered someone strong in the StrengthsFinder talent theme of Harmony.
Strengths: Consensus
Those high in Harmony avoid confrontation by looking for common ground. They want consensus in a conflict, so they look for a win/win for both parties. They are excellent negotiators when they DO wind up in conflict and that’s because they strive for cooperation. They automatically want to know both sides to a story in an effort to bring about unity, accord and good will. They keep their peace when they don’t agree with your opinion. Why waste the time trying to convince you of something when your mind is already made up? They also tend to stick to the practical, the realistic, and the factual. That keeps the emotions out of the picture, and anything that would upset their calm and serene world.
Love the Harmony
My friend, Terri, is a real estate agent and high in Harmony. In such an industry, lots of things happen in the midst of closing a deal that have to be dealt with quickly. Terri uses her gift of Harmony to make sure that both parties of the transaction — buyer AND seller — come out feeling that the best deal for all was created. She always balances the needs of both parties so that no one feels taken advantage of. She uses her Harmony to calmly and peacefully negotiate a good deal all the way around.
So the next time you’re working with someone who is strong in Harmony, ask yourself: Where do we have a need for balance and compromise? How can we work for a Win/Win?
For all your StrengthsFinder needs, go to www.GallupStrengthsCenter.com.
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