“He has always got his nose buried in a book, studying! He’s a perpetual student, and I don’t think he’ll ever graduate.”
“The bookshelves in our house are groaning! My wife cannot resist books! And she can’t just buy one book on a new subject — no, she has to have a dozen. I just don’t get it.”
“I don’t know why my husband comes to bed so late. He’s compelled to research the stuff he hears on the news and before he knows it, three hours have gone by. Then, he’s grumpy in the morning because he didn’t get enough sleep.”

Learners often have stacks of books around!
Strengths: Constantly Learning
Is there someone in your life who just can’t seem to learn enough? Maybe they have their heads down in their many books, reading constantly. Or maybe they are reading five books at a time and you find them in the kitchen or in the family room or even in the bathroom. Perhaps you have a FedEx truck delivering an Amazon.com order every week and you have no idea where you are even going to store another book? Or maybe your co-worker is never separated from her Kindle and it’s rare for her go with the rest of the group for lunch. You may have bumped up against someone with the StrengthsFinder talent theme of Learner.
Learners: Love Learning
Those strong in the talent theme of Learner love to learn. They don’t have any problem being ignorant on a subject because it means they get to learn! They often find themselves clicking on a link on the Internet, which leads them to click another and another and another until they are so deep into a new subject that they seem to get lost for hours.
While they may have specific areas of interest that they return to often, those with the Learner talent theme have a thirst for learning new information. They are regularly fascinated with new topics and know a lot about a wide variety of topics. They are the type of person you want to sit down with and “pick their brains” on something because you know they’ve got a great bit of stuff stored in their heads.

Learners are perpetual students and love school!
They Need Time to Learn
My friend, Nate, is a Learner. And he’s also got wanderlust. He loves to schedule a trip somewhere in the world and then spends hours preparing for it by learning about all the things he can do when he gets there. Sometimes, he doesn’t even plan to do anything but explore and is excited to discover things that are “off the beaten path.” His learning takes him places — not just in his imagination, but out into the world beyond the experience of most.
Learners need to learn new things every day. And they need time to process all of the wealth of information they download into their heads.
Love Your Learner
The next time you find someone who seems to be locked into their books, schedule time with them to see what they are learning. They could have information that you need. Or if you know you have a new project coming up, or a trip for the family or you need some research done, ask your favorite Learner to dig into the subject and then give you a summary of what they’ve uncovered. Find opportunities for them to share their vast knowledge with you and you’ll find shortcuts to what you want to know.
Your Learner is ready to study and share, if asked!
To learn more about your talents and Strengths, be sure to visit www.GallupStrengthsCenter.com.
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