Affirmations are an amazing way to keep your mind straight and stay focused on the right things as you set about to engage with the Law of Attraction! They can actually program your mind for success if used correctly, rewiring your belief in yourself and your ability to receive all that you want. I love them and use them daily!

Affirmations are used to keep your mindset positive and focused.
Affirmations that Block Possibilities
In my coaching practice, I have found that affirmations are often written in a way that is less than affirming, and in fact, can block the possibility of you creating what you want in your life. Take a look at these common affirmations and I’ll address them in a minute:
I am a money magnet! My business is growing and thriving! I am unstoppable! I am healthy and wellness is my birthright! I love and approve of myself! I make the right choices every time!
These affirmations sound amazing, don’t they? And they are, as long as they are TRUE for YOU. And that’s the rub.

Affirmations are helpful, as long as they are true for YOU.
Subconscious Objections
At any given moment in time, these statements may NOT be true for you. And if we had equipment that could measure vibrations, we would discover that if any affirmation is not true for you in the moment, you will send out the opposite of what you intend: negative energy. If your subconscious mind objects to any affirmation you speak, you will feel a discord and create a negative vibration.
Bridge Phrases
One way to work around your subconscious mind and make affirmations work for you is to include a “bridge phrase” to modify the affirmation. This bridge phrase will allow you to maintain your vision of what you really want, while preventing resistance to the affirmation. Here are some examples of bridge phrases:
I love the idea of… I like thinking about… It makes me happy to believe that… I can see in my imagination that….
Bridge phrases make your affirmations believable during the times they’re not. For example, if “I am a money magnet” is not true because you’re flat broke and haven’t been paid in weeks, you can use a bridge phrase to bypass your critical subconscious mind. It might sound like this: “I love the idea of being a money magnet!” You can switch up bridge phrases in a single affirmation, like, “It makes me happy to see in my imagination that I am a money magnet!”
Either of these new affirmations are absolutely true. Don’t you love the idea of being a money magnet? Doesn’t it make you happy to see inside your mind’s eye that you are a money magnet? Again, affirmations must be true in order to be effective.

Using “bridge phrases” in your affirmations can make them believable.
Tweaking your Affirmations
Tweaking your affirmations to include bridge phrases like this can help you maintain your high vibration around the things you want and are waiting to arrive in your reality!
So take a look at the affirmations you’re using and add a bridge phrase to make it more real for you. This allows you to keep your focus on what you want without tripping over limiting beliefs within your subconscious mind.
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