Waiting, waiting, waiting… So, you’ve done all that you know to do in order to create what you want in life. You’ve created your intentions, you’ve written vision statements, you’ve visualized, gotten excited about it and you SEE it! Any minute now, you keep thinking, it’s bound to show up!
And yet it doesn’t. Another day dawns and you’re wondering, “Where’s my stuff?” And you can’t figure out why things aren’t working for you? What did you do wrong? Why isn’t what you want manifesting for you? Why doesn’t Law of Attraction seem to work for you?

When you’re waiting, time can seem to pass slowly.
Frankly, who knows?
What I do know is that thinking that you’ve done something wrong, or that things aren’t working for you just because they’re not here yet is a waste of time and energy and very likely, will delay your dreams even further. Why? Because when you think things aren’t working, then they’re not. When you think you’ve done something wrong, then you have (even though you likely haven’t).
Controlling your mind while you’re waiting is critical. Here are a few ideas to keep you focused on what you want, even as you wait for it to arrive in your present reality.
Get Quiet
Time to return to your quiet space! Get still. Meditate. Breathe. Pray. In my experience, this anxiety you feel about the Law of Attraction not working, or what you want not arriving yet, is the very thing causing the pause. Where you are right now is looking from a place of lack. And that feeling of lack will keep the lack in your life.
Get Busy with Something Else
Distraction is sometimes good. If it can keep your focus away from what you don’t want, then by all means, get busy with something else. Change your routine. Shop at a different store. Go to a different bank branch. Drive an alternative way to work. By changing some part of your routine, you will shift your vision away from what’s not here yet.
Create Openings
Nature hates a vacuum and when you create space and new openings for things to happen, the something you want is bound to show up. Clear your calendar and get out of the “grind.” Clean out a drawer or closet. Declutter the attic or storage room. The activity alone will keep you from looking at what you don’t have and you’ll be creating the opportunity for new.

Clear space for new openings while you’re waiting!
Focus on Something New
What else do you want? Sometimes we can become fixated so much on what we don’t have that we forget to look at the other things in life that we want. Are you waiting for your beloved to walk into your life? How about creating new friendships? Are you waiting for money to fall down from the sky? What about creating abundance in another area of your life that doesn’t require money? Find something new to create and start focusing on that.
Move and Shake
Start moving! Exercise, walk, or do some other thing that will get your energy moving. When you think you’re stuck, you ARE stuck. Moving and shaking yourself physically will shift your energy.
Serve Someone Else
Finding someone else to serve will nearly always make you feel grateful for what you have and appreciate where you are right now. Serving someone less fortunate than you can prove to make you more alert and thankful.
Align with your Vision
For me, alignment is what brings the things you want more quickly. You are mind, body and spirit (soul). If any one of those is out of alignment with what you want, you’ll usually feel it somewhere, and most likely in your body. Your subconscious mind can usually be felt in the body, even if it cannot be heard in the mind. So re-consider what it is you’re asking for. Do you feel anything out of alignment between your body and vision? Ponder what you’re wanting and see if something feels amiss.

Align and realign while you are waiting….
Patiently Waiting
It’s long been said that “patience is a virtue.” Yeah, right. Patience feels restrictive to many of us. In reality, though, our timing is rarely accurate and there’s always going to be a gap between where we are and where we want to be. And inside that gap lies the story you’re telling yourself and the meaning you are giving to everything in your life.
As you’re waiting — and being patient! — try these ideas to help you during the waiting while what you want catches up!
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